Thursday, June 24, 2010

Before and After Effect in Photoshop

It seems very easy task to turn a black and white photograph into coloured one however it is not an easy task.

A designer have to take care of all things whether it is real natural colors, light effects, background color/effects, skin tone of a person (if any) and much more.

Might be, there are lots of different softwares available in the market those can turn a black and white pic into coloured one quickly however, if a web/graphic designer works on it, he/she takes care of all the things and has to deliver a good output.

Even though, I am also a designer and always try something innovative while I am free or with less work in office becasue a good designer cannot waste his/her time and keeps himself/herself busy in doing something creative, fresh and new.

I am used to do some experiments on designs etc. but not get extra time to post them here. Now, I am quite free so thought lets upload this one. Don't worry, I will keep posting such things here onwards so just keep watching...

Here, I have also tried something to do so, I took a black & white pic and tried to turn it into a coloured one. I hope you like the work I have done here. (I know, its very easy tasl and new turned designer can also do the same, who cares?)

